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Home/Industrial Specialty Oils/Pacific Rubber Processing oil (Aromatic) E-350 & E-710
Pacific Rubber Processing oil (Aromatic) E-350 & E-710 2017-08-23T05:45:54+00:00

Pacific Rubber Processing oil (Aromatic) E-350 & E-710


Process Oil – 350 & 710 are respectively dark black & green coloured heavy bodied AROMATIC type of rubber processing oils having high flash point and medium pour point. Due to aromatic character they possess high solvency in nature

PROCESS OIL – 350 & 710” are used where colour of the finished products is not an important factor. They are used in the manufacturing of automobile tyres and tubes, flaps tread rubber, rubber bushes, industrial belts, hose pipes, rubber sheets etc.

210 Ltr

  • Highly effective in wetting polymers during processing.

  • Suppress cost of processing, power consumption and processing time due to high solvency power.

  • Improve physical properties of finished goods.

  • Chance of fire incident is much lower because of high flash points

CHARCTERISTICS TEST METHOD Process Oil-350 Process Oil-710
Appearance VISUAL Black Green
Colour ASTMD 1500 8 6
Flash Point o C (COC IS : 1448 P-69 190 220
Viscosity at 100 °C, cSt IS : 1448 P-25 8-15 22-30
Density, at 29.5 °C gm/ml IS : 1448 P-16 0.94 0.94
Pour Point °C IS : 1448 P-10 26 12
Aniline Point, °C IS : 1448 P-03 65 48
Copper Strip corrosion at 100 oC for 3 hrs. IS : 1448 P-15 PASS PASS
Acidity, mg KOH/gm IS : 1448 P-02 NIL NIL
Loss On heating at 100 °C for 1 hr., % wt 0.02 0.02
Aromatic Percentage IS : 1448 73%