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Home/Industrial Specialty Oils
Industrial Specialty Oils 2017-10-10T09:45:53+00:00


Pacific Industrial Specialty Oils have wide range of Industrial Oils for special purpose like Metal working oil, Rubber Processing oils Transformer oils, White oils, Petroleum Jelly etc. Our processing plant has capacity to produce any special product for any specific purpose if demanded by any industry.

Product list is given below


Pacific Thermol-500 is formulated for wide range of applications as a heat transfer fluid in textile, Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Processing Industries where bulk temperature is below 285oC. This oil is derived from the finest quality of base stocks and contents selected additives for anti-oxidation, high thermal conductivity & other desired properties.

This oil is an excellent thermic fluid formulated to cover wide range of heat transfer applications from 15oC to 330oC. This prepared by using special refining process and recommended for use where the temperature is very high.

PACIFIC SUPER QUENCH is a high quality straight mineral oil for general purpose metal quenching operations, developed from specially selected high viscosity index base stocks having excellent thermal and oxidation stability, low volatility and good fluidity.

PACIFIC TURBINOL OILS are blended from premium highly refined, hydro-treated base stocks with well researched selected anti-oxidant, rust inhibitor and anti-foam additive package.

Pacific Cool Tool-SS-70 is a strong & clear dark green semi-synthetic cutting fluid. It maintains a constant PH Value for a long period of time.

Pacific Cool Tool-FS-40 is a amber clear synthetic cutting fluid and becomes fluorescent green in colour upon dilution and is formulated with premium EPA (Extreme Pressure Aditives)

This oil is soluble type high quality metal cutting oil which yields rich milky emulsion with water, Special additive is mixed to ensure its complete dispersion in water.

Pacific Rustilo – 100 is a dewatering fluid, containing oil soluble surface acting agent dissolved in a solvent with suitable corrosion- preventive and film forming substances

It is oil based rust preventive fluid, which forms thin, tenacious oily film on the surface of the metal to be protected.

Pacific Transformer oil is high quality insulating oil formulated for use in Electrical Power Transformer and oil bath circuit breakers & isolators. It is manufactured from refined hydrocarbon molecules so that it can serve for long time.

This white oil is highly refined food grade mineral oil, manufactured from highly refined Base Oils and consists of saturated paraffinic and cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons. The refinement process ensures complete removal of aromatics, sulphur and nitrogen compounds. The technologies employed result in products that are highly stable over time besides being hydrophobic, colorless, odorless and tasteless.

It is an extremely high purity IP grade white mineral oil formulated from highly refined hydrotreated low pour point base oils meeting the extreme purity requirements of the Indian Pharmacopeia which ensures the absence of any significant sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and halogen derivatives or saturated substances and aromatics.

It is a mixture of highly refined and treated hydrocarbons, having odorless characteristics.

Process Oil – 350 & 710 are respectively dark black & green coloured heavy bodied AROMATIC type of rubber processing oils having high flash point and medium pour point. Due to aromatic character they possess high solvency in nature

POLY NP-40 is white coloured, light bodied NAPHTHENIC type of Rubber Process Oil with good colour and thermal stability. It is fairly good in solvency and non-staining in nature. This oil has been formulated from carefully selected base oils of required hydrocarbons group, so as to improve the process ability of rubber.

Process Oil – 245 is light coloured medium bodied PARAFFINIC type of Rubber Processing Oil. It has a very good colour stability. Besides this, it has high flash point and high thermal stability but it has low solvency. This is processed from highly refined solvent extract base stocks of low sulphur content

Process Oil – 541 is light coloured bodied NAPHTHENIC type of Rubber Processing Oil with good colour and thermal stability. It is non-staining in nature. Besides this, it’s low pour point, high Viscosity and high flash point makes it more efficient than any other Naphthenic oil

Spark Erosion oil is one of the most modern methods used for manufacturing of complex recessed parts such as molds or dies, spark are generated between an and the job, which is submerged in an insulating medium.

Fully Synthetic Gear Oil is high quality, lead-free, extreme-pressure oils designed, primarily, for the lubrication of heavy duty industrial gears. Its high load carrying capacity and anti-friction characteristics combine to offer superior performance in gears and other industrial applications.

These oils are high quality, lead-free, extreme-pressure oils designed, primarily, for the lubrication of heavy duty industrial gears. Their high load carrying capacity and anti-friction characteristics combine to offer superior performance in gears and other industrial applications

Pacific MTO is refined water white in color, solvent of moderate volatility. It contents about 40 to 50% Aromatic hydrocarbons which provides very good solvency. It is also known as petro pine.